Woman on a ladder reaching for a box out of reach - stock photo

A Caucasian, female office worker climbing on a ladder trying to reach for a box on a shelf. She wears a black outfit from top to bottom and has brown hair. She stands on a ladder that is a bit too short and leans forward dangerously trying to retrieve the box. The shelf has several compartments with the same box in each compartment. There is a wall and large glass windows on the left, behind her. There is a white ceiling above her. The floor of the office is out of view.
A Caucasian, female office worker climbing on a ladder trying to reach for a box on a shelf. She wears a black outfit from top to bottom and has brown hair. She stands on a ladder that is a bit too short and leans forward dangerously trying to retrieve the box. The shelf has several compartments with the same box in each compartment. There is a wall and large glass windows on the left, behind her. There is a white ceiling above her. The floor of the office is out of view.
Woman on a ladder reaching for a box out of reach
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